- Responsive Web Design provides the optimal viewing experience of a website, taking into consideration type of device the user is visiting the website from.
- In adaptive web design the layout is not just one, instead there are several different layouts prepared for different screen sizes depending on the screen size of the device to be used.
- A responsive web design is a little harder to create whereas an adaptive design may be simpler but it is also less flexible than a responsive site.
- But then again this is a hassle as there are different layouts to be prepared for adaptive design to adjust to various screen sizes. It’s better to prepare one and also manage it very thoroughly.
- Responsive sites are guaranteed to provide an optimal display to all the varied screen sizes but adaptive designs result is not as good as the responsive one because the outcome of the display is not of best quality for the wide variety of screen sizes.
- The responsive site requires a lot less maintenance rather than an adaptive one. Due to the adjustability of responsive sites they do not require much taking care of but in the case of adaptive design, it is important to maintain its time to time.
- Adaptive designs in order to take more time than responsive sites, the main reason behind it being the increase in the number of layout in the adaptive designs. Loading the additional layouts will require a considerable amount of time. Whereas in responsive design, there is a single layout due to which loading takes less time speeding the process in return.
- Responsive sites can take a backseat in terms of site speed if the implementation is not properly carried out.
- Responsive sites require more codes to be used for the careen sizes to be adjusted according to the clients needs.
- Adaptive design requires separate codes of HTML and Cascading Style Sheets for every single Layout that is created for the respective screen size.

[ Source : www.articlesfactory.com ]